At the Department of Vidavnichy and Revision of Education, professional education and science programs are implemented according to the standards of food education.

Osvitnya program - a document containing a set of educational components at the appropriate level of higher education within the specialty, which defines the requirements for the level of education of persons who can start studying under this program, a list of disciplines and the logical sequence of their study, the number of credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, required for the implementation of this program, as well as the expected learning outcomes (competencies) that must be mastered by the applicant for the appropriate degree of higher education.

Osvitnya (health-professional chi health-sciences):

  • vimogi to the level of education, so that you can start talking for the whole program;
  • the transformation of educational components and logical end of life (structural and logical scheme);
  • number of ECTS credits required for the application of these programs;
  • ochіkuvanі results navchannya (competence, knowledge, smart skills), who are guilty of the state of health of the general level and qualifications.

The procedures for breaking up, updating, refining and hardening the educational and professional and educational and scientific programs at the University are regulated Provisions for the development, consolidation, monitoring and re-examination of educational programs in the KPI IM. Igor Sikorskogo>>





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