Smola Lydia Evstakhievna
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
His research interests include research on the methodology of information and psychological influences, methods of propaganda and counter-propaganda campaigns, political processes, image-making and branding.
Author of training programs on leadership, creativity, public speaking, corporatism, self-management and features of image creation.
Author of 62 scientific articles and more than 100 journalistic articles and commentaries in Ukrainian and foreign media. Co-author of the textbook "Political Science", published with the assistance of the British Council and recommended by the Ministry of Education for the Ministry of Defense. She has published monographs: "Propaganda as an information and psychological component of modern political processes" (2005), "Determinants of the political process of today. Theoretical and political analysis in the information-psychological dimension "(2010). In 2010 she co-authored an analytical and prognostic study "The limits of the fall - options for the Ukrainian future" (Stuttgart, Germany).
At the department he teaches the following disciplines: "Heuristics. Theory and practice of argumentation","Social informatics","Methodology of research of social communications","Image geology ", "Rhetoric ", "Branding ".
Research interests: countering fakes and disinformation, political consulting and election technologies, shaping the image of the state, a safe environment for journalists.
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