Yanishevsky Alexander Alexandrovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
He graduated from the Polygraphic Faculty of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 1994 with a degree in Publishing and Editing; has the qualification "Editor".
Fluent in Polish (writes, reads, translates).
On January 24, 2006 he publicly defended his dissertation at a meeting of the specialized academic council D 26.001.39 at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv on "Prose by Vaclav Gonsorovsky: genesis and structure of historical discourse" (specialty 10.01.03 - Literature of Slavic peoples) . For a long time he worked at the National Institute for Strategic Studies, where he headed the editorial and publishing sector, whose task was to publish high-level scientific monographs of employees of the institution. Monographs prepared for printing by the sector were awarded at the IV competition "Artist and Printing of Ukraine", organized by the All-Ukrainian Foundation for the Development of Book Publishing and the Press.
His research interests are closely connected with the history of Polish literature, Polish studies in general, publishing (in particular, standardization in the publishing industry, technical editing), as evidenced by a number of publications in professional and non-professional publications and active annual participation in thematic conferences.
He is currently working on a book on the literary heritage of the famous Polish writer Vaclav Gonsorowski. Selects materials for future doctoral dissertation.
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