Masomova Larisa Gagikivna
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications
Expert of the Association of Ukrainian Editors.
The author of more than 30 scientific and educational-methodological works (2 articles in the scientometric database Scopus, publications in foreign publications). Motivates students for scientific work: prepares for participation in international and all-Ukrainian scientific conferences, has joint publications with students, etc.
Profile disciplines:
Masimova L. G. was the scientific supervisor of the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works, the international competition of youth media communication projects "TO_MY", the All-Ukrainian festival of bloggers SmartBlog, the All-Ukrainian festival of book trailers and promo videos VookFashion.
Research interests: training of specialists in journalism, semiotics of media text, modern genres of journalism.
Профілі |
Orcid |
Scopus |
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WoS |
Academia |
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