Varenyk Valentyna Mykolaivna
Doctor of Philosofy, Senior Lecturer
In 2018, she graduated from the Educational and Scientific Publishing and Printing Institute of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" with a specialty in "Publishing and Editing".
During 2019–2024, she completed her dissertation in accordance with the educational and scientific program "Social Communications, Journalism".
In 2024, she obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge "Journalism", specialty "Journalism".
He teaches specialized disciplines at the Department of Publishing and Editing: "Ukrainian language in professional communication", "Advertising in modern media", "Fundamentals of business communication". She is an author of a number of publications on aspects of the activity of industry periodicals, the history of print and electronic media.
The sphere of scientific interests covers theoretical and practical problems of editing in the media, the influence of the press on communication, in particular the trade press, and marketing activities of specialized periodicals.
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rooms 79, 8 bldg. VPI KPI them. Igor Sikorsky (1/37 Yangel Akademika Street)