He heads the Department of Publishing and Editing Dr. with soc. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor OV Trischuk. The department trains editors for publishing houses, editorial and publishing departments, scientific and technical journals and collections, scientific and technical information centers, advertising and propaganda departments, patent and licensing departments and other organizations. The department conducts research work to study the nature of texts and features of editorial preparation of various publications with the help of modern desktop editorial and publishing systems.

The department trains specialists in the specialty 061 "Journalism" (educational areas: "Publishing and Editing", "Advertising and Public Relations").



The main directions of scientific and technical activity: studying the nature of texts and features of editorial preparation of various editions by means of modern desktop editorial and publishing systems.

Educational degrees: bachelor, master..

Profile disciplines: "General Editing", "Desktop Editorial and Publishing Systems", "Practical Stylistics", "Modern Ukrainian Literary Language", "Editorial Analysis and Preparation", "Fundamentals of Journalism", "Mass Media"..

Types of activity of specialists: organization of the editorial and publishing process; planning and forecasting, information and advertising activities; analytical-synthetic and creative work.а.

The main areas of work of the future specialist: information sphere (publishing houses, media outlets, editorial and publishing departments of enterprises; information, advertising agencies, etc.).

Graduates work in the following positions: editor, senior editor, editor-in-chief, proofreader; journalist; head of the marketing service of the publishing house, advertising agency, editorial and publishing department of the research organization, educational institution, bodies of mass and special communication.

The department has: student editorial office; desktop publishing systems laboratory; training scientific and technical center.

For several years, the Department of Armed Forces and R has held leading positions in the university for the admission of students.

The main purpose of education and upbringing is to train the conscious national intelligentsia, to educate the spiritual elite of Ukraine, to increase the intellectual potential that will ensure the effective activity of future specialists. Education of future specialists by highly educated individuals - bearers of moral, artistic and aesthetic, legal, labor, environmental culture is realized by:

  • creation of necessary conditions for comprehensive development of the student's personality, his thinking and general culture through involvement in various types of creative activity;
  • development of artistic abilities of boys and girls;
  • advocacy among students for a healthy lifestyle.

Students of the department have an opportunity during their studies:

  • get a second higher education on preferential terms;
  • to improve knowledge of foreign languages;
  • to obtain a military specialty and the rank of reserve officer;
  • to have a rest in a sports and improving camp.






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