Within the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" the Department of Publishing and Editing has an extensive network of international ties with foreign educational institutions, scientific and educational organizations and enterprises that enable both students and professors to share experiences with foreign colleagues and contribute to global trends in science and education. Departments of the University have the opportunity to participate in grant programs and attract foreign funds for the development of specific research areas, professors and staff - to publish their works in international professional journals, to participate in international scientific seminars and conferences to demonstrate the results of scientific work at the global level, students – to approach traineeship abroad and to receive parallel education. National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" cooperates with international organizations such as UNDP, UNESCO, UNIDO, WIPO, NATO, STCU, BSUN, CODATA, ICSU, Ukrainian Peace Council.

Publishing and Printing Institute conducts joint scientific and educational-methodical activity with 11 foreign universities, including St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design (Russia); Moscow State University of Printing (Russia); Technical University of Leipzig HTWK (Germany), University of Advertising in Warsaw (Poland), Warsaw University of Technology (Poland), University of Wuppertal (Germany), Beijing Institute of Graphic Communications (China), Stuttgart Media University (Germany), Samara State Aerospace University (Russia) and Technical University of Lodz "Lodz Polytechnic" (Poland). Agreements provide the exchange of experience, information on training highly qualified specialists, mutual invitation of teachers and researchers in conferences, workshops, scientific symposia, cooperation in scientific journals issued by partner universities, publishing articles in scientific journals of partner universities, academic training for postgraduate and doctoral along the lines of international agreements and contracts. Also students annually participate in student mobility program Erasmus Mundus and other international programs within National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

In the 2010/2011 academic year, thanks to the students of the Department of Publishing and Editing the edition of "Kyiv - Leipzig. The view of the city and education" were created together with the Technical University of Leipzig HTWK, and presented in Leipzig in autumn 2011

Close cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) allows students and professors to get grants and trainings abroad. In 2012 students were trained at universities in Germany (Stuttgart Media University - 14 people, Technical University of Leipzig HTWK - 14 people, University. of Wuppertal - 14 people) and the Summer School of Social Sciences by Professor Volker Ronge in Moscow - 2 people.

Every year the relations of the Department of Publishing and Editing with educational institutions and organizations are increasing, enabling both employees and students to share experiences with foreign colleagues and participate in international events.



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