The duration of study is 4 years (bachelors) or 5.5-6 years (masters).

The department trains highly qualified specialists in editing and advertising of books, magazines, newspapers, electronic media. Introduces future professionals to the basics of advertising and PR; teaches to create competitive printed and electronic publishing products, to promote them on the market, to form image policy of editorial-publishing and other economic structures.

In the process of learning, students receive thorough humanitarian training, acquire skills of critical thinking, analysis, systematization of information, as well as professional practical skills.

Research and teaching staff are interested in the professional and personal growth of student youth, have an open dialogue with students and constantly diversify the forms and methods of teaching, using didactic games, work
in groups, discussions. At the invitation of teachers of the department with lectures for students are directors of publishing houses, PR-agencies, businessmen and politicians.

The learning process aims to develop skills that can be used later in life. During their studies, students develop independent thinking and cognitive abilities, they form a worldview and they master various elements of mental work.

All its components play an important role in the educational process. This is both the subject that is offered for study to students, and the process of teaching this subject by the teacher. Components of the educational process are also the mental and physical actions of students and the availability of material means of learning, to which we include manuals and textbooks, as well as other teaching materials.

The educational process is based on the implementation of given rules, but also aimed at the creative freedom of students and is designed to develop their ability to think independently and create freely.

The use of a modern approach when working with students guarantees a full understanding between them and the teacher and the establishment of productive cooperation. And the use of quality educational and methodical materials helps to better master the knowledge gained during training and work independently with the information provided.

The educational process is organized taking into account the capabilities of modern information technology training and focuses on the formation of an educated, harmoniously developed personality, capable of constant updating of scientific knowledge, professional mobility and rapid adaptation to change and development in socio-cultural spheres, engineering, technology, management systems. and labor organization in a market economy.

The educational process is based on the degree system of higher education and the principles of science, humanism, democracy, continuity and continuity, independence from the interference of any political parties, other public and religious organizations.

Topics of graduate students' dissertations

1 course
Dumpling Valentina Socio-communicative approach to editing the industry press
Lagutova Karina
Socio-communicative dimension of popularization of engineering and technical science
2 course
Gritsenko Oksana

Socio-communicative approach to editing socio-political media

Kissel Veronica

Sociocommunication approach to the popularization of technical science

3 course
Skorokhod Tetyana Oleksandrivna The phenomenon of student periodicals in the system of social communications



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