Levchuk Olena Mykolayivna
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences
In 1996 she graduated from NTUU "KPI" with a degree in "Publishing and Editing", literary editor. He specializes in the editorial training of encyclopedic, biobibliographic, source and local lore publications.
In 1992-2001 she worked as an editor, executive secretary of the newspaper NTUU "KPI" "Kyiv Polytechnic", participated in the preparation of the collection "Who is who in KPI: professors of the National Technical University of Ukraine" Kyiv Polytechnic Institute "(K., 1998). As a result of postgraduate studies (scientific supervisor Prof. R. Ivanchenko) she published a monograph "Book Union: the formation of cooperative book publishing in Ukraine" (K., Nauk. Dumka, 2000). Together with associate professor O. Khotsyanivskyi, she prepared a biographical essay "Rector of KPI O.S. Pligunov"(K., 2004), literary and artistic publication "Director of KPI M.I.Konovalov "(K., 2008).
At the Publishing and Printing Institute of NTUU "KPI" he teaches specialized courses "Literary Editing and Editing", "Mass Media", "Newspaper and Magazine Editions", "Theory of Mass Information".
Author of more than 20 publications on the history of publishing organizations and initiatives, individual personalities of the Ukrainian publishing business, media ethics, development of regulations of the professional media environment. One of the developers of the universal curriculum for the course "Innovative media: the basics of infographics" in the project "Improving the quality of vocational education in new media and communication technologies in regional schools" (2010-2011).
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