Accreditation specialty 7.03030202 - "Public Relations"

22 February 2016 In Announcements

According commandment Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 283-p from 19 February 2016 Accreditation happening specialty 7.03030202 - "connection with obschestvennostyu" at the Department of Publishing and affairs redaktyrovanyya VPY NTU "KPI"».

Created in эkspertnaya Commission of proof: Valery Ivanov Felyksovycha - zaveduyuscheho kafedroy advertising and communication with obschestvennostyu the Kiev National University of Taras Shevchenko behalf, Dr. fylolohycheskyh sciences, professor, chairman of the commission; Zinchenko Allы Hryhorevnы - associate professor of the department obschestvennostyu connection with the National University "Kyiv-Mohylyanskaya academy" candidate historically sciences, professor.

Term of commission work эkspertnoy neposredstvenno in uchebnom with establishments of 22 February and 24 February 2016 inclusive.


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