Сайт кафедри ''Видавничої справи та редагування'' ВПІ НТУУ ''КПІ''
About the department
About the department
Accreditation (licenses and certificates)
Professors and Employees
Our graduates
Сouncil of graduates and employers
The department's best students
Science school
Cooperation and internship agreements
Regulations on the structural unit
Material and technical support
Regulatory documents and references
For Applicants
About Specialty
Admission to 1 course
Admission to graduate
Admission to postgraduate studies
Pre-entry Courses
Official documents and useful information
Educational programs
Description of educational programs
Reviews of educational programs
Projects of educational programs
Syllabuses of disciplines (list of components of educational programs)
Standard of higher education
Survey of students
Training Programs
Working curricula
Information on self-assessment of the educational program
For Students
Lessons schedule
Exams and assessments (semester control)
Curators, age groups
Teachers consultations
Vibrating disciplines
Topics of coursework
Qualification works
Training programs
International training and internship programs
Useful contacts and resources
Training Phd
Напрями підготовки PhD
PhD contingent
Організація навчального процесу PhD
Elective disciplines PhD
PhD practice
Employment, PhD internship
Academic mobility PhD
Technical equipment PhD
Корисні посилання (інформація) для PhD
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Educational programs
Survey of students
Освітні програми (меню)
Відгуки ОП (Перший рівень)(Видавнича справа та редагування)-EN