22 falling leaves 2021 rocu for master students (group RZ - 11MP) Vidavnicho-polygraphic institute KPI im. Igor Sikorskogo Mykola Andriychuk provided a lecture "Bezpeka komunikatsiy in new media". In the minds of the smart digitalization of the Ukrainian society of nutrition, digital security is bringing more and more relevance and may be an important folder of professional knowledge of specialties from communes...
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We invite you to take part in the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Roman Ivanchenko Scientific School", which will take place October 29, 2021 on the Zoom platform at 14.00 ...
Dear entrants, high school students and their parents! 22 May VPI Open Day will take place! The event will take place via video conference . You will be able to learn more about the training of qualified specialists ...
Today, May 20, is the day of Ukrainian embroidery - the third Thursday in May! The embroidered shirt contains traditions that have been rooted and passed down from generation to generation. Put on an embroidered shirt today, let's respect traditions! Wear it with respect and gratitude, with dignity, with love for Ukraine!
We remind you that you can submit documents from 09.00 to 10.00 end from 14.00 to 17.00 (office 247- 1 building). No later than the submission of documents must be completed Registration form >> and send to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . More details about reception conditions to graduate school and list of documents >>
Warning! From May 17 acceptance of documents for the competition for postgraduate studies at the Publishing and Printing Institute begins! According to the document submission schedule, the acceptance of documents will continue from May 17, 2021 to May 20, 2021 from 09.00 to 10.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00 (room 247 - 1 building)...