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07 January 2021

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday we want to wish everyone peace and tranquility in every home, goodness, mutual understanding, prosperity, harmony and love, happiness...

03 January 2021

The Rules of Admission to KPI named after Igor Sikorsky in 2021:
   •  substantive provisions;
   • stages of the introductory campaign;
   • list of documents;
   • all legal elements that are related to your opportunities to enter the KPI. Igor Sikorsky in 2021...
01 January 2021

Happy New Year! We wish you peace of mind, optimism, self-confidence, support of loved ones. Let everything succeed in the New Year, dreams come true. We wish that 2021 will be truly happy for all of us!

23 December 2020
The session for part-time students starts on January 11, 2021 in remote mode.
1st year bachelor: 11.01. - 24.01.2021
2nd year bachelor: 11.01. - 24.01.2021...
23 December 2020

Congratulations to our masters with the successful defense of master's theses! We wish you inspiration, success in your work, brilliant prospects and vitality!


18 December 2020
On December 22 and 23, 2020, at 12.00, master's theses will be defended on the Zoom platform.
061 - "Zhurnalistika" OPP "Vidavnich on the right that redaguvannya"
22 breast 2020 rock - 12:00 (Zoom-videoconference)
23 breast 2020 rock - 12:00 (Zoom-videoconference)
061 - "Journalism" OPP "Advertising and Public Relations"
December 22, 2020 - 12:00 (Zoom video conference)
December 23, 2020 - 12:00 (Zoom video conference)...
14 December 2020
On December 15 at 17.00 a meeting of the department will take place, where the dissertation of Figol N.M. "Electronic educational publication as a social communication phenomenon" for the degree of Doctor of Sciences in Social Communications will be discussed...
11 December 2020

New service from KPI Library - "Mail Book"
Students, teachers and employees of KPI will now be able to order and receive books from the library funds by Nova Poshta or Ukrposhta.
07 December 2020


We invite you to publish in the international scientific journal "Horizons of Printing". The journal contains materials that explore the history and theory of social communications, journalism, publishing and editing, applied socio-communicative technologies. More details on the magazine's website >>


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