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02 February 2021
The preparation of students for the Unified entrance exam for the master's degree has begun...
02 February 2021

The Department of Publishing and Editing congratulates you on the beginning of the second semester!
Good luck and inspiration! May the semester be successful, full of creativity and efficiency!
02 February 2021

Preparation of students for the Unified entrance exam for the master's degree has begun...
19 January 2021

Diplomas for master graduates are ready! They can be obtained at the dean's office of VPI from 20.01.2021 from 10 to 16:00. Have a passport with you...
14 January 2021
On January 1, 2021, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On approval of forms of documents on higher education (scientific degrees) and the appendix to them, a sample academic certificate" came into force. From now on, universities will not be able to issue diplomas with honors ...
07 January 2021

Merry Christmas! On this bright holiday we want to wish everyone peace and tranquility in every home, goodness, mutual understanding, prosperity, harmony and love, happiness...

03 January 2021

The Rules of Admission to KPI named after Igor Sikorsky in 2021:
   •  substantive provisions;
   • stages of the introductory campaign;
   • list of documents;
   • all legal elements that are related to your opportunities to enter the KPI. Igor Sikorsky in 2021...


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